Temporary hiring is a simple and direct concept, a management tool widely used by employers around the world.
It consists of a triangular relationship between three distinct entities, when labor organizations, for different reasons, temporarily need additional labor to meet certain specific needs.
The three entities:
A – The worker
B – The Temporary Work Agency
C – The company-Customer/user
The worker (A) is employed by the Temporary Work Agency (B) – registered employer, who subsequently detaches the worker to the Company-Client/User (C).
The registered employer (B) is responsible for the payment of wages and all other costs related to the worker and also has the power to discipline over him (A).
The Company-Customer/User (C) commands, controls, supervises and enjoys the work performed by the worker (A). The Company-Client/User (C) pays the Temporary Work Agency (B) for having made the worker (A) available for him to perform the work he has benefited from.
How does the process work?
1 – The Customer fills out a Personnel Application Form online along with the job description form, detailing all the conditions and requests.
The Customer can alternatively send an email with his order, call our offices or go in person to a brief meeting to explain what he needs. This meeting can also be held at the customer’s premises.
2 – Supply of labor – Jordan River Recruitment offers the Client a written proposal for the supply of labor for temporary or long-term work.
3 – Once the proposal is accepted, both parties sign a formal agreement, specifying the terms and conditions of the temporary employment.
4 – Supply of labor – Jordan River Recruitment then proceeds to the recruitment and selection of the number of workers requested by the Client. The client is free to decide whether or not to participate in the recruitment process.
Generally, JR Recruitment performs recruitment independently, taking full responsibility for the choices made and ensuring replacements if the selected workers do not meet expectations.
5 – The documents are placed online and submitted for review by the Romanian Social Security.
6 – The Client notifies JR Recruitment about the start date of the work by the employees.
The selected workers travel to the country of destination and settle in the previously agreed accommodation places.
These can start working right away.